Tying your Belt

To begin, you may find it easier to put a rubber band on one end of you belt so you can follow along easier.  We'll call the end with the rubber band the "marked" end.

Double Wrapping:

1. Start by putting the marked end on your left side and wrapping the rest of the belt around your back toward the right. 

2. Take unmarked end and wrap it around the front of and back around your back again so it is on your right side.  The tip of the marked end should be about 4" to 6" shorter than the tip of the unmarked end when you hold them in front of you.

3. Take the unmarked end and cross it over (on top) of the marked end and then tuck it under and back up toward yourself.  Pull the belt tight to your stomach (but not too tight!).

4.  Take the unmarked end and cross it over again (on top) and tuck it under and back up toward yourself again.

5.  Pull both ends tight and you should have a knot with an "arrow" shape pointing to your right.


Single Wrapping:


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